全球知名 Merck、Bayer、Teva 等大製藥廠,以及FDA、CIC、等等…頂尖世界組織,皆為曜鴻生技長期獨家代理的英國Proimmune之客戶。

免疫學專家~Mastering Immunity
Linda Tan博士和Nikolai Schwabe博士於2000年創立了ProImmune,"抗原特異性T細胞的偵測試劑"是ProImmune 引領全球的主力商品。提供臨床前和臨床免疫學研究的領先進階方案,包括抗原特性分析、及ELISpot和流式細胞儀技術追踪抗原特異性免疫反應的產品和服務。
ProImmune的早期產品中有 Pro5®MHC Pentamers,用於偵測表位特異性免疫細胞,以便可以在人體血液樣本中進行分析。Pentamers以及 2016年推出的ProT2®MHC II類四聚體繼續成為ProImmune核心業務的一部分,並不斷壯大,已有超過1,600多個科研期刊文章引用了這些產品的使用。目前已經有數以千計的藥廠、生技公司和學術機構成為ProImmune的忠實客戶。
經過多年來曜鴻與ProImmune的愉快合作,我們為了讓台灣的研究學者享有更實在的價格與技術服務,ProImmune 決定與曜鴻正式更進一步密切合作,完成了正式簽約代理。定期執行產品教育訓練,檢討售後技術支援服務。皆為其他非正式合約經銷商(水貨商)所能比擬。
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▌產 品
ProMix™ Peptide Pools
purified immunodominant epitope peptide pools for precise monitoring of functional T cell responses
New: SARS-Cov-2 ProMix™ Peptide Pool

Figure 1. HIV-1 gag p17/p24 with three epitopes from the HIV ProMix™ peptide pool mapped to its surface.
Choose ProMix™, the smarter peptide pool for smart immunology
ProMix™ peptide pools from thinkpeptides consist of a select number of peptides representing the key immunodominant epitopes from a specific protein or pathogen, providing a comprehensive picture of the T cell response. Peptide selection is based on well-established and published epitopes with a wide range of HLA restrictions covering the most relevant HLA types in the population.
Unlike peptide pools of protein spanning overlapping peptide libraries, ProMix™ pools allow for a much greater control and purity of its constituent peptide components and avoid overloading cell cultures with large numbers of irrelevant non-responding peptides that can contribute excessive contaminants from peptide synthesis processes.
Key advantages of ProMixes™:
ProMix™ peptide pools use well characterized epitopes to provide a representative picture of the T cell response against a protein or disease.
Smaller numbers of peptides in each pool are designed to elicit a targeted response based on immunodominant epitopes.
Uniform >95% purity in pools.
Peptide pool content is clearly defined, allowing individual peptide responses to be mapped easily if this is required.
Highly efficient and cost effective method for classifying T cell response.
Example Published Data generated with ProMix™ Peptide Pools
Anikeeva N et al.(2016). “Evaluating frequency and quality of pathogen-specific T cells”
Nature Communications DOI: 10.1038/ncomms13264
Brief synopsis: Using synthetic peptides and peptide pools Anikeeva et al. have developed a Ca2+ signalling activation assay that offers new insights into the dynamics of antigen-specific T cell activation.

Figure 1. Kinetics of calcium response of CMV-specific CD8+ T cells.CMV-specific CD8+ T cells from a healthy donor (a) and a patient after haploidentical stem cell transplantation (b) revealed different kinetics of Ca2+ signalling on antigen stimulation. CD8+ T cells were purified from PBMC by negative magnetic sorting and purified CD8 T cells were labelled with Fluo-4 and immobilized on a glass surface as described in ‘Methods’ section. The T cells from healthy donor were stimulated by CMV-derived peptide NLVPMATV at 10−4 M while the T cells from the patient were triggered with ProMix CMV peptide pool at 9 × 10−5 M. The images of responding cells are taken at 720 s after the stimulation. The data shown are representative of 5 (a) and 2 (b) independent experiments and are based on the analysis of 4,600 and 4,200 T cells, correspondingly. Scale bars, 50 μm.
Research Areas
ProMix™ Number of peptides Code
ProMix™ NY-ESO-1 Peptide Pool 5 PX-NYESO
ProMix™ Prostate Specific Antigen Peptide Pool 9 PX-PSA
ProMix™ Survivin Peptide Pool 11 PX-SURV
ProMix™ bcr/c-abl Peptide Pool 6 PX-BCR
ProMix™ Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase Peptide Pool 12 PX-TERT
ProMix™ Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen Peptide Pool 7 PX-PSMA
ProMix™ gp100/p-mel Peptide Pool 8 PX-GP100
ProMix™ Tyrosinase Peptide Pool 6 PX-TYR
Infectious Diseases
ProMix™ Number of peptides Code
ProMix™ SARS-CoV-2 Peptide Pool – New! 32 PX-COV
ProMix™ Adenovirus Peptide Pool 5 PX-ADENO
ProMix™ CMV Peptide Pool1 4 PX-CMV
ProMix™ EBV Peptide Pool2 6 PX-EBV
ProMix™ Influenza Peptide Pool 17 PX-FLU
ProMix™ Hepatitis C Virus Peptide Pool 21 PX-HCV
ProMix™ Hepatitis B Virus Peptide Pool 9 PX-HBV
ProMix™ HIV Peptide Pool 22 PX-HIV
ProMix™ Human Papillomavirus Peptide Pool 14 PX-HPV
ProMix™ CEFT Peptide Pool 24 PX-CEFT
ProMix™ CEF Peptide Pool 32 PX-CEF
ProMix™ Respiratory Syncytial Virus Peptide Pool 28 PX-RSV
In most cases we aim to achieve coverage for the most common HLA types, and where applicable other alleles that may be of particular relevance with the disease or protein of interest.
With ProMix™ peptide pools, the pooling procedure is done for you, with the peptides guaranteed >95% pure. Each ProMix™ pool contains 25μg of each peptide and is available for dispatch within 1-2 days.
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