Chemodex - Chemistry is our Passion
Chemodex is specialized in the synthesis of fluorescent substances. We offer a wide range of Fluorescent Detection products and other fine chemicals. Are you looking for an inexpensive, global source of fine chemicals? We will strive to meet your unique needs!。
- 常見和新型螢光探針
- 染色劑/標籤/染料
- 標記物和探針
- 代謝物
- 構建模組和小分子
Chemodex 穩定且優良品質的螢光物質(如香豆素、螢光素、羅丹明和芘。這些試劑被學術界、生物技術以及診斷和製藥行業的生命科學研究人員用作探針、染色劑、標記物、NIR 標籤、pH 感測器、離子指示劑、螯合劑以及其他應用(例如分析生物化學、免疫測定和顯微鏡),價格實惠且供貨快速。
▌Selected Labels, Stains and Probes
Product Name
Product description
Widely used cationic bluish-green dyes for both light and electron microscopy to stain acidic polysaccharides such as glycosaminoglycans in cartilages and other body structures, some types of mucopolysaccharides, sialylated glycocalyx of cells etc. Can be used to quantitate acidic glycans both in microspectrophotometric quantitation in solution or for staining glycoproteins in polyacrylamide gels or on western blots.
Fluorescent nucleic acid stain useful for staining DNA, chromosomes, nuclei and mitochondria. Binds to the minor groove of DNA at AT-rich sequences. This dye is commonly used for quantitating double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) of viable cells without detergent treatment or fixation and for fluorescence microscopy or flow cytometry. This dye also allows for quantitative measurements when plotted in a standard emission-to-content curve.
Non-fluorescent. Generates highly fluorescent products upon reacting with aliphatic amines, amino acids, peptides and proteins or thiol compounds. Widely used to label peptides, proteins, drugs and other biomolecules. It is a popular derivatizing reagent for HPLC analysis of amino acids and low molecular weight amines.
Single isomer that can be used to react with primary amines via carbodiimide activation of the carboxylic acid. One of the most popular green fluorescent reagents used for click chemistry labeling of peptides, proteins, nucleotides or even small molecules. Has a relatively high absorptivity, excellent fluorescence quantum yield, and good water solubility. Commonly employed as a polar tracer.
Popular cell permeant, sensitive, fluorescent substrate for measuring esterase activity in live cells. Used in cell viability assays and "Live-Dead" assay systems, especially automated cell viability assays. The cleavage product produced upon enzymatic or chemical hydrolysis of the acetate group(s) is carboxyfluorescein which is well-retained inside live cells. Can be used to monitor cells by flow cytometry or fluorescence microscopy.
Fluorescent label for amine modification and protein conjugation. It has a strong blue fluorescence and can be used to create blue fluorescent bioconjugates or labeling synthetic peptides for high-throughput detection.
Fluorescent probe used to investigate membrane qualities of the phospholipid bilayers of cell membranes, sensitive to membrane phase transitions as well as other alterations to membrane fluidity such as the penetration of water. Variations in membrane water content cause blue shifts in the laurdan emission spectrum, which are quantified by calculating the generalized polarization (GP). Can be applied to living cells.
Lipophilic orange-red fluorescent membrane stain that diffuses laterally to stain the entire cell. The fluorescence of this environment-sensitive dye is greatly enhanced when incorporated into membranes or bound to lipophilic biomolecules such as proteins. It shows a high extinction coefficient, polarity-dependent fluorescence and short excited-state lifetime. Often used for single molecule imaging, fate mapping and as a long-term tracer for neuronal and other cells.
Used for labeling of cell-surface functional groups (glycophorins). It is a cell impermeant fluorescent probe useful for determining protein and peptide topology on the cell surface and detection of protein carbonyls in aging tissues.
Membrane/lipid permeable derivative of GSH. Used to protect cells against radiation damage, oxidants and various toxic compounds including heavy metals. Protective agent against cellular damage. Undergoes hydrolysis by intracellular esterases thereby increasing intracellular GSH concentration.
Triplet probe used for the measurment of rotational diffusion of proteins in solution and in membranes, including myosin and pyruvate dehydrogenase. Bioconjugates made with the thiol-reactive eosin-5-maleimide can be used as phosphorescent probes or as photosensitizers.
An intercalating agent and the most common red-fluorescent nuclear and chromosome counterstain. It is not permeant to live cells and can be used as a DNA stain for both flow cytometry, to evaluate cell viability or DNA content in cell cycle analysis, and microscopy to visualise the nucleus and other DNA containing organelles. It can be used to differentiate necrotic, apoptotic and normal cells.
Used for the labeling of amino acids and their detection in picomolar amounts. Used in a variety of studies including those of media supplements. Pyridoxal is one of the three natural forms of vitamin B6, along with pyridoxamine and pyridoxine. All of these forms are converted in the human body into a single biologically active form, pyridoxal 5-phosphate.
▌Selected Biological Active Compounds
Product Name
Product description
Potent inhibitor of ethylene synthesis in plants acting at the level of 1-aminocyclopropanecarboxylic acid synthase.
Intercalating probe for nucleic acids. Other applications include the determination of cationic surfactants.
Quorum sensing-regulated virulence factor used to induce and study the regulation of virulence genes such as those involved in iron scavenging. Quorum sensing is a signaling system used by bacteria to coordinate activity based upon their population density. The system involves the exchange of signaling molecules among bacteria via cell receptors.
▌DAF Compounds - Fluorescent Probes for the Detection of Nitric Oxide
Nitric oxide (NO) is involved in various physiological and pathological processes in the cell and has been implicated in vasodilation, neurotransmission, cytotoxicity, immune response and inflammation. Within cells, nitric oxide synthase (NOS) catalyses the conversion of arginine to citrulline and NO in the presence of molecular oxygen, tetrahydrobiopterin, NADPH and flavin cofactors. Due to the importance of NO, real time detection and quantification of NO is of great interest. However, the extremely short half-life of NO limits the study of its physiological effect in vivo. Therefore NO-sensitive fluorescent probes, such as DAF-2 have been designed and used in real-time imaging of NO.
Product Name
Product description
Probe used for quantitating low concentrations of NO in solution. Non-fluorescent until reaction with NO.
Cell permeable probe used for quantitating low concentrations of NO in solution. Non-fluorescent until reaction with NO.
Sensitive NO probe with higher photostability than the classical fluorescein derivative DAF.
Sensitive NO probe with higher photostability than the classical fluorescein derivative DAF.
▌Zinc Probes for the Detection of Zn
Zinc (Zn) is the second most abundant transition metal in the body and it is essential as catalytic, structural and regulatory ion. Zinc ions are involved in homeostasis, immune responses, oxidative stress, apoptosis and aging. Zinc has been proposed to function as a conventional neurotransmitter for the presynaptic neuron and as a transmembrane signal to traverse the postsynaptic neuron. Aberrant zinc metabolism is associated with many neurological diseases including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and epilepsy. The most suitable technique for in vivo monitoring of zinc has been proven to be fluroescent imaging using fluorescent zinc probes.
Product Name
Product description
Cell permeable derivative of ZnAF-2. Fluorescent reagent suitable for the fluorimetric detection of Zn (after esterase hydrolysis).
Membrane-impermeable compound that acts as a high-affinity Zn -specific fluorescent probe. Shows low basal fluorescence and the fluorescence intensity increases ~51-fold upon stoichiometric (1:1) binding to Zn . Exhibits little affinity towards Ca , Mg , Na , or K .
Zn specific fluorophore that forms zinquin-Zn complexes. Used to detect zinc in cells by UV fluorescence. Intracellular zinc mobilization has been shown to be an early indicator of apoptosis. Emits in the blue region of the spectrum.
Lipophilic, zinc-sensitive, fluorescent derivative of Zinquin that is able to penetrate cell membranes. Cleavage of the ethyl ester group via cytosolic esterases in living cells impedes its efflux across the plasma membrane. Fluorescence is enhanced upon binding Zn but the probe does not show a change in emission wavelength. The probe is UV-excitable and emits in the blue reqion of the spectrum. Zinquin ethyl ester has been used to monitor intracellular zinc fluxes associated with apoptosis.
訂購專線:02-2668 6845