Abiocode 由專精於高品質試劑的科學家建立於2008年,位於California。目標是運用創新的技術及方法來設計和生產試劑以及檢測系統,是高品質高效益的生物醫學研究團隊。
Abiocode 也致力於開發用於疾病診斷與基礎研究的抗體及ELISA試劑盒。除此之外 Abiocode也持續開發新的技術以提升產品素質及科研效率。
Abiocode網站: http://www.abiocode.com/
Abiocode SNC1 antibody used in Natur
A recent Nature article published by Dr. Xinnian Dong's group (Xu et al., 2017, Nature, 545:491) identified a new strate
Abiocode TET2 antibodies used in a N
In a paper published in Nature on May 2, 2013 by Dr. Anjana Rao's group, IDAX was shown to target TET2 for degradation (
The unique features of antibodies pr
One major problem for the antibody-based proteomics research is the limited availability of specific antibodies that can
Abiocode Plant Antibodies used in Sc
In a recent paper published in Science, Xu et al. reported that the ABP1-TMK auxin-sensing complex activates ROP2 and RO
Abiocode antibody used in a Cell pap
A recent paper published in CELL by Dr. A. Lin's group showed that the kinase IKK inactivates BAD protein by phosphoryla
What are vPairTM Antibodies?
vPairTM antibodies, developed at Abiocode using a proprietary premier antibody-production technology, represent a pair of fully characterized antibodies that recognize two different regions of a target protein. vPairTM antibodies bring value and validation in antibody-based research.
When studying a protein employing antibodies, we often face the issue as whether the signal observed truly represents the protein of interest. For example, the sizes of proteins observed on Western blot often different from calculated molecular weights due to many factors such as posttranslational modifications. Although gene knockout or knockdown can allow the validation of signal specificity, these technologies are often not available or applicable for many applications such as the analysis of tumor samples by IHC. The use of a pair of fully characterized vPairTM antibodies in the same study can validate signal specificity since vPairTM antibodies recognize two independent epitopes of the same protein. At Abiocode, we are committed to develop vPairTM antibodies that can work in various applications, including antibody arrays, Western blot, IP-Western, ChIP, IHC, FACS, etc.